English Union Jack


  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A.,Monge, J.F. and Unzueta, A. (2020) Some matheuristic algorithms for multistage stochastic optimization models with endogenous uncertainty and risk management European Journal of Operational Research , vol. 285, pp.988--1001.
  • Tusell, F.; Bárcena, M. J.; Garín, M. A.; Martín, A. M. and Unzueta, A. (2019) A Web Simulator to assist in the teaching of Bayes Theorem Journal of Statistics Education , vol. 27(2), pp. 59--78..
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A.,Monge, J.F. and Unzueta, A. (2018) On preparedness resource allocation planning for natural disaster relief under endogenous uncertainty with time-consistent risk-averse management Computers and Operations Research , vol. 98, pp. 84--102.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Pizarro, C. and Unzueta, A. (2018) On efficient matheuristic algorithms for Multi-period Stochastic Facility Location-assignment Problems Computational Optimization and Applications, vol. 70, pp. 865--888.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Unzueta, A. (2017) Scenario cluster Lagrangean decomposition for risk averse in multistage stochastic optimization Computers and Operations Research, vol. 85, pp. 154--171.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2016) On time stochastic dominance induced by mixed integer-linear recourse in multistage stochastic programs European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 249(1), pp. 164--176.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Unzueta, A. (2016) Cluster Lagrangean decomposition in multistage stochastic optimization Computers and Operations Research, vol. 67(1), pp. 48--62.
  • Fernández-Aguirre, K., Garín-Martín, M.A., and Modroño-Herrán, J.I. (2014) Visual Displays. Analytical study and applications to graphs and real data Quality and Quantity, vol. 48(4), pp. 2209--2224.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Pérez, G. and Unzueta, A. (2013) Scenario cluster decomposition of the lagrangian dual in two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 optimization Computers and Operations Research, vol. 40(1), pp. 362--377.
  • Aranburu, L., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (2012) A so-called Cluster Benders Decomposition approach for solving two-stage stochastic linear problems TOP, vol 20(2), pp. 279--295.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Pérez, G. and Unzueta, A. (2012) Lagrangean decomposition for large-scale two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems TOP, vol. 20(2), pp. 347--374.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2012b) An algorithmic framework for solving large scale multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems with nonsymmetric scenario trees (erratum) Computers and Operations Research , vol. 39(9), pp. 2266.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2012a) An algorithmic framework for solving large scale multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems with nonsymmetric scenario trees Computers and Operations Research , vol. 39(5), pp. 1133--1144.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2010b) An exact algorithm for solving large-scale two-stage stochastic mixed integer problems: some theoretical and experimental aspects European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 204, pp.105--116.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2010a) On BFC-MSMIP strategies for scenario cluster partitioning, Twin Node Family branching selection and bounding for multistage stochastic mixed integer programming Computers and Operations Research, vol. 37, pp.738--753.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2009c) On multistage Stochastic Integer programming for incorporating logical constraints in asset and liability management under uncertainty Computational Management Science, vol. 6(3), pp.307--327.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2009b) BFC-MSMIP: An exact Branch and Fix Coordination approach for solving multistage stochastic mixed-0-1 problems TOP, vol. 17(1), pp. 96--122.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2009a) A general algorithm for solving two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 first-stage problems Computers and Operations Research, vol.36(2), pp. 2590--2600.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2007b) The value of stochastic solution in multistage problems TOP, vol. 15(1), pp. 48--64.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2007a) A two stage stochastic programming approach as a mixture of Branch-and Fix Coordination and Benders Decomposition schemes Annals of Operations Research, vol. 152(1), pp. 395--420.
  • Alonso, A. , Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Ortuño , M.T. and Pérez, G. (2005) On the product selection and plant dimensioning problem under uncertainty OMEGA, International Journal of Management, vol. 33(4), pp. 307--318.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (2003) An O(nlogn) procedure for identifying facets of the knapsack polytope Operations Research Letters, vol. 31, pp. 211--218.
  • Alonso, A., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Ortuño , M.T. and Pérez, G. (2003) An approach for strategic supply chain planning under uncertainty based on stochastic 0-1 programming Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 26(1), pp. 97--124.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1999b) On using an automatic scheme for obtaining the convex hull defining inequalities of a Weismantel 0-1 knapsack constraint TOP, vol. 7(1), pp. 145--153.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1999a) O(nlogn) procedures for tightening covers inequalities European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 113(4), pp. 676--687.
  • Ferreira, E. and Garín, M.A. (1997) Una nota sobre el cálculo del Indice de Gini Estadística Española , vol. 39(142), pp. 207--218.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1996b) Some properties of cliques in 0-1 mixed integer programs TOP, vol. 4(2), pp. 215--223.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1996a) On using clique overlapping for detecting knapsack constraints redundancy and infeasibility in 0-1 mixed integer programs TOP, vol. 4(1), pp. 87--98.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1994) On the Dietrich-Escudero approach for solving the 0-1 knapsack problem with a 0-1 objective function European Journal of Operational Research , vol. 73, pp. 167--168.
  • Dietrich, B., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1993) O(n) procedures for identifying maximal cliques and non-dominated extensions of consecutive minimal covers and alternates TOP, vol. 1(1), pp. 139--160.

Recensiones y otras colaboraciones

  • Garín, M.A. (2007) Technical review of Statistical and probabilistic methods in Actuarial Science Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 34, Issue 8, pp. 1011--1017.
  • Garín, M.A. (1995) Technical review of Statistical thinking for managers Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 433--440.

Documentos de trabajo

  • Eguía, M.I., Garín, M.A. and Unzueta, A. (2018) Generating cluster submodels from two-stage stochastic mixed integer optimization models. Biltoki. DT.2018.01.
  • Aranburu, L., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino , M. and Pérez, G. (2016) Risk management for mathematical optimization under uncertainty. Biltoki. DT.2016.01.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino , M. and Pérez, G. (2015) Some experiments on solving multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 programs with time stochastic dominance constraints. Biltoki. DT.2015.01.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Pérez, G. and Unzueta, A. (2012) Scenario Cluster Lagrangian Decomposition in two stage stochastic mixed 0-1 optimization.Biltoki. DT.2012.02.
  • Aldasoro, U., Garín, M.A., Merino , M. and Pérez, G. (2012) MPI parallel programming of mixed integer optimization problems using CPLEX with COIN-OR.Biltoki. DT.2012.01.
  • Pérez, G. and Garín, M.A. (2011) On downloading and using CPLEX within COIN-OR for solving linear/integer optimization problems.Biltoki. DT.2011.08.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2011) A parallelizable algorithmic framework for solving large scale multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems under uncertainty.Biltoki. DT.2011.01.
  • Aranburu, L., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (2010) On solving two stage stochastic linear problems by using a new approach, Cluster Benders Decomposition.Biltoki. DT.2010.08.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Pérez, G. and Unzueta, A. (2010) Lagrangean decomposition for large scale two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems.Biltoki. DT.2010.07.
  • Pérez, G. and Garín, M.A. (2010) On downloading and using COIN-OR for solving linear/integer optimization problems.Biltoki. DT.2010.05.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2010) A note on the implementation of the BFC-MSMIP algorithm in C++ by using COIN-OR as an optimization engine.Biltoki. DT.2010.02.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2005) A two-stage stochastic integer programming approach as a mixture of Branch-and-Fix Coordination and Benders Decomposition schemes.Biltoki. DT.2005.01.
  • Fernández, K., Garín, M.A. and Modroño, J.I. (2004) Motivación de los estudiante sde LE y LADE ante el estuio de la Estadística.Biltoki. DT.2004.03.
  • Escudero, L.F., Galindo, E., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2003) The value of the stochastic solution for fixed income-assets and liabilities management under uncertainty. Trabajos I+D. I-2003-11.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2003) On structuring mortgage-backed securities portfolios under uncertainty.Trabajos I+D. I-2003-07.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (2001) A O(nlogn) procedure for identifying facets of the knapsack polytope.Trabajos I+D. I-2001-18.
  • Alonso-Ayuso,A., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Ortuño, M.T. and Pérez, G. (2001) A stochastic 0-1 program based approach for strategic supply chain planning under uncertainty.Trabajos I+D. I-2001-07.
  • Garín, M.A. (2000) Una nota sobre el procedimiento en Nuevos Algoritmos no-Jerárquicos en Clasificación de Datos de López-Hernández.Biltoki. DT.2000.03.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (1998) Un procedimiento con complejiad O(nlogn) para identificar una clase de facetas del politopo mochila 0-1 obtenidas a partir de cubrimientos minimales fuertes.Biltoki. DT.98.16.

Libros, resúmes y otras publicaciones con ISBN

  • Tusell, F., Garín, M.A. and Unzueta, A. (2013) Beyond the PC room: experiences with a dual-faceted computer lab Chapter in the book titled: IADAT-e2013 Conference proceedings book. ISBN: 978-84-935915-33. Eds. Innovation, Technology and Research in Higher Education, IADAT, pp. 199--203.
  • Aranburu, L., Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A. and Pérez, G. (2012) Stochastic models for optimizing immunization strategies in fixed-income security portfolios under some source of uncertainty. Chapter in the book titled: Stochastic programming. Applications in Finance, Energy, Planning and Logistics. ISBN: 978-981-4407-50-2. Eds. H. Gassmann and S. W. Wallace, pp. 173--220.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2011) On solving strong multi-stage nonsymmetric stochastic mixed 0-1 problems. Chapter of the book titled: Proceedings International Conference on Operations Research, OR2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-29209-5. Eds. K. Diethard, L. Hans-Jakob and S. Karls. Springer, pp. 509--514.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Pérez, G. and Unzueta, A. (2011) Scenario cluster lagrangean decomposition in stochastic mixed integer programmingChapter of the book titled: Proc. of the VII ALIO-EURO. Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization. Porto, Portugal, May 4-6, 2011, pp. 167--170.
  • Escudero, L.F., Garín, M.A., Merino, M. and Pérez, G. (2011) On using preprocessing cuts: identifications and probing schemes in stochastic mixed 0-1 and combinatorial optimization Chapter of the book titled: Proc. of the VII ALIO-EURO. Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization. Porto, Portugal, May 4-6, 2011, pp. 163--166.
  • Ferreira, E. and Garín, M.A. (2010) Estadística Actuarial: Modelos Estocásticos ISBN: 978-84-693-1205-6. Serie de documentos Sarriko-on. Fac. Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (UPV/EHU), Bilbao
  • Albornoz, V. et al (2008) Several chapters of the book titled: Optimización bajo incertidumbre. Eds. A. Ramos, A. Alonso-Ayuso y G. Pérez. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. ISBN: 978-84-8468-251-6.
  • Bárcena, M.J., Fernández, K., Ferreira, E. y Garín, M.A. (2007) Estatistika Deskribatzailearen eta probabilitatearen Baliabideak ISBN: 978-84-8373-922-8. Servicio Editorial de la UPV-EHU
  • Bárcena, M.J., Fernández, K., Ferreira, E. y Garín, M.A. (2003) Elementos de probabilidad y estadística descriptiva ISBN: 84-8373-545-8. Servicio Editorial de la UPV-EHU
  • Arteche, J., Garín, M.A., Martín, A.M., Núñez, V., Orbe, J. Virto, J. y Zárraga, A. (2000) Ejercicios de Estadística I. Elementos de probabilidad y estadística ISBN: 84-8373-278-3. Servicio Editorial de la UPV-EHU
  • Arteche, J., Garín, M.A., Martín, A.M., Núñez, V., Orbe, J. Virto, J. y Zárraga, A. (2000) Ejercicios de Estadística II. Estadística empresarial y para economistas ISBN: 84-8373-280-7. Servicio Editorial de la UPV-EHU
  • Tusell, F. y Garín, M.A. (1991) Problemas de probabilidad e inferencia estadística ISBN: 84-7360-102-5. Editorial Tebar Flores
  Última actualización: 11-02-2021 08:31